Season of Miracles

Last night my Mother-in-law, Father-in-law, My Husband and I, as well as our son, went to see the Christmas light show in Cambridge Ohio, at the court. Our son giggled with glee and pointed to the lights as he kicked his legs and bobbed his head. “Look Dat!” He said and pointed every time someoneContinue reading “Season of Miracles”

Love Birds Cry

I found some old poetry I wrote. I wrote this while I was in an abusive relationship that lasted on and off for seven years. I wrote this shortly before I left the abuser and found my husband. I guess when you pray real hard and hope that Mr. Right is out there, you findContinue reading “Love Birds Cry”

A Wise Man

   A wise man once told me to fight like hell, follow your dreams, and never give up. That wise man was my Grandfather. I miss him very much. He always gave me good advice. Some of that advice I didn’t understand tell I was much older. Things My Grandfather Told Me 1. Never Go toContinue reading “A Wise Man”

Laughs, Giggles and Playtime!

My husband was getting ready to leave for work tonight. My son looks at him and pulls at his scrub top, and he begins to giggle and squeal. I don’t think he wants Daddy to leave. I don’t either. I look at my Husband. This man who works many sixteen hour days. A man IContinue reading “Laughs, Giggles and Playtime!”

Generation to Change a Nation

  I am driving home through the hills of Appalachia. I am reminded what beauty our great ancestors saw in this country. It must be the beauty I am seeing now. Water droplets have just fallen along these hills and heavily wooded areas. The sun is setting and is heating the water droplets. The waterContinue reading “Generation to Change a Nation”

Watch “The Real You – Alan Watts” on YouTube

The Real You – Alan Watts: I couldnt resist sharing this video. This man is one of my favorite philosophers of all time. While searching my soul, I have come to many of the same conclusions that he has. This is so beautiful. You are an amazing being. We should never forget that. WeContinue reading “Watch “The Real You – Alan Watts” on YouTube”


  When I look at my son, I see such promise and hope. I understand why Jesus said we should all be like children. My son trusts others completely. He has not learned what it’s like for someone to break his trust. He loves others with every fiber of his being. He has not learned whatContinue reading “Rebirth”

The Calling

We are all called to do things in life. Some people are called to be priests or missionaries. I was called to be a Nursing Assistant. I was reminded today, of all the reasons why became one. As I help these people with their daily care, they tell me of their interests. They also reflectContinue reading “The Calling”

For all those naysayers out there…

I am currently working on writing a book. I am looking into getting it published in the near future. I have always wanted to write a book…purely because, I get enjoyment out of writing. It is therapeutic to me. I was reminded of today of why I write. For all those naysayers out there thatContinue reading “For all those naysayers out there…”

IV. Chasing Dreams- What the hell is this supposed to mean?

   I thought nothing of the episode of food poising that I had. The next morning it happened. I felt fine. “This is strange!” I thought. Then it began to add up. “OMG! Maybe? Could it be!?” I grabbed my keys and was out the door as quickly as my feet would carry me. IContinue reading “IV. Chasing Dreams- What the hell is this supposed to mean?”