To see your soul…

To see your soul walking outside of your body, is a most unusual thing. There he is with a smile on his face, ready to greet the day no matter what life brings his way. In seconds that all can change. It can happen so fast. One minute he was talking. The next minute heContinue reading “To see your soul…”

Season of Miracles

Last night my Mother-in-law, Father-in-law, My Husband and I, as well as our son, went to see the Christmas light show in Cambridge Ohio, at the court. Our son giggled with glee and pointed to the lights as he kicked his legs and bobbed his head. “Look Dat!” He said and pointed every time someoneContinue reading “Season of Miracles”

The Gift

We did not get approved for the car loan. However, every cloud has a silver lining. My parents, passing on the great legacy my Grandfather bestowed upon them, decided to help us out. My Mother applied for the loan for the new vehicle, since we could have not afforded another car payment anyways, had weContinue reading “The Gift”

My Musical Life

This week was a good week for my Son and Family. It brought back many memories. My Dad is a Music Director at a local Catholic Church. They have a chicken dinner every year to raise money for the parish. My Dad plays the organ for people who are coming to see the church. AfterContinue reading “My Musical Life”

The Best Birthday

I celebrated my Birthday on July second. My Mom found some old pictures of me, blowing out candles on my birthday cake. The funny thing about being a Mother is, even the money that you get for your birthday, goes to your child. I was reminded of how many things my Mother went without, becauseContinue reading “The Best Birthday”

Laughs, Giggles and Playtime!

My husband was getting ready to leave for work tonight. My son looks at him and pulls at his scrub top, and he begins to giggle and squeal. I don’t think he wants Daddy to leave. I don’t either. I look at my Husband. This man who works many sixteen hour days. A man IContinue reading “Laughs, Giggles and Playtime!”


  When I look at my son, I see such promise and hope. I understand why Jesus said we should all be like children. My son trusts others completely. He has not learned what it’s like for someone to break his trust. He loves others with every fiber of his being. He has not learned whatContinue reading “Rebirth”

A Mutual Understanding

This weekend I was reminded how every living creature is intelligent in their own way. We need to respect every living being, even if they are not human. Every year my family has a reunion on our family farm, as we have done for 151 years. My son and I were looking at three cows.Continue reading “A Mutual Understanding”

Adventures in Breastfeeding

   My son has been teething lately, and has been drooling massive amounts. Last night he was nursing himself to sleep. I thought he had been drooling on me, so I really didn’t care. He kept playing in his drool. Then I realized this “drool” smelled terrible, and it was sticky! It was spit up.Continue reading “Adventures in Breastfeeding”

Breastfeeding is an Amazing Experience!

I am currently breastfeeding my 8 month old son. It has completely changed the way I think about breasfeeding. I have heard some women don’t want to give up breasfeeding their children! Before I was a mother, I didn’t understand why. Now I do. Here is why…. 1. Your body is providing your baby withContinue reading “Breastfeeding is an Amazing Experience!”