Someday when I grow up…

Think back to when you were young… One of the biggest questions everyone asked was what do you want to be? Pretty big question. But if you were like me, you had an answer to everything back then, didn’t you? I remember in first grade I knew that answer. I wanted to be a writer.Continue reading “Someday when I grow up…”

Eight Credits

Eight Credits… that is all it will take for me to get my Associate of Science and Associate of Arts. This comes as a relief to me, as I realize all those loans I took out when I was young and stupid might not be in vain. Eight Credits closer to my dream of becomingContinue reading “Eight Credits”

Be Like a Child

“Be like a child who has not had their soul crushed. Be fearless. Have faith, and know that you are worthy. Follow your dreams. Live dangerously. Love like you have never loved before. It is in this way you will be able to change the world. It is never to late to start living the life you always have dreamed of having.”

Watch “Tinie Tempah – Written In The Stars ft. Eric Turner” on YouTube

Inspirational song. “It’s written in the stars, keep shouting tell they hear you out.” What is the one thing you are hungry for? Please leave you comments below.

A Wise Man

   A wise man once told me to fight like hell, follow your dreams, and never give up. That wise man was my Grandfather. I miss him very much. He always gave me good advice. Some of that advice I didn’t understand tell I was much older. Things My Grandfather Told Me 1. Never Go toContinue reading “A Wise Man”


  When I look at my son, I see such promise and hope. I understand why Jesus said we should all be like children. My son trusts others completely. He has not learned what it’s like for someone to break his trust. He loves others with every fiber of his being. He has not learned whatContinue reading “Rebirth”

For all those naysayers out there…

I am currently working on writing a book. I am looking into getting it published in the near future. I have always wanted to write a book…purely because, I get enjoyment out of writing. It is therapeutic to me. I was reminded of today of why I write. For all those naysayers out there thatContinue reading “For all those naysayers out there…”

Chasing Dreams- Love

    We were chasing our dreams. We met in the most unlikely place. At work. Your eyes met mine more than once that day. It was love at first sight. We sat down. to chart, and we began to talk. You were 15 years my senior, but that didn’t matter. We were two lost soulsContinue reading “Chasing Dreams- Love”

Money can’t buy happiness, but it can get you out of debt!

I applied for a new job today. I will make less than what I currently do, but I would be much happier than I am at my current job. I am reminded though that money can’t buy you happiness! The place I work is a LTC facility. All they care about is bringing in topContinue reading “Money can’t buy happiness, but it can get you out of debt!”