Welcome to Kindergarten!

Our summer adventures are gone, now it’s back to school. It makes me sad to think, that I will get to spend less time with you. But that’s part of growing up I guess, your adventure has just started. Our summer has gone so fast. Now it’s back to school, Where you will learn andContinue reading “Welcome to Kindergarten!”

Someday when I grow up…

Think back to when you were young… One of the biggest questions everyone asked was what do you want to be? Pretty big question. But if you were like me, you had an answer to everything back then, didn’t you? I remember in first grade I knew that answer. I wanted to be a writer.Continue reading “Someday when I grow up…”

My Musical Life

This week was a good week for my Son and Family. It brought back many memories. My Dad is a Music Director at a local Catholic Church. They have a chicken dinner every year to raise money for the parish. My Dad plays the organ for people who are coming to see the church. AfterContinue reading “My Musical Life”

The Birth of a Father

   Becoming a Father is a series of miraculous events. The father expectantly waits for the arrival of a child. Expectantly means watchfully waiting. Fathers are watchfully waiting from the very moment that baby is conceived. They are watching creation take place right before their eyes. Fathers are waiting for life to happen. Then itContinue reading “The Birth of a Father”