The Birth of a Father

   Becoming a Father is a series of miraculous events. The father expectantly waits for the arrival of a child. Expectantly means watchfully waiting. Fathers are watchfully waiting from the very moment that baby is conceived. They are watching creation take place right before their eyes. Fathers are waiting for life to happen. Then itContinue reading “The Birth of a Father”

Generation to Change a Nation

  I am driving home through the hills of Appalachia. I am reminded what beauty our great ancestors saw in this country. It must be the beauty I am seeing now. Water droplets have just fallen along these hills and heavily wooded areas. The sun is setting and is heating the water droplets. The waterContinue reading “Generation to Change a Nation”

Watch “The Real You – Alan Watts” on YouTube

The Real You – Alan Watts: I couldnt resist sharing this video. This man is one of my favorite philosophers of all time. While searching my soul, I have come to many of the same conclusions that he has. This is so beautiful. You are an amazing being. We should never forget that. WeContinue reading “Watch “The Real You – Alan Watts” on YouTube”