Freedom Is Not Free

My Son wildly claps his hands and says “Boom.. boom!” and he owhhs… and ahhhs… as we watch the fireworks from the balcony of our one bedroom apartment. Here I am reminded that freedom is not free and we are not done fighting for it yet. How can you be free when your husband andContinue reading “Freedom Is Not Free”

A Wise Man

   A wise man once told me to fight like hell, follow your dreams, and never give up. That wise man was my Grandfather. I miss him very much. He always gave me good advice. Some of that advice I didn’t understand tell I was much older. Things My Grandfather Told Me 1. Never Go toContinue reading “A Wise Man”

Generation to Change a Nation

  I am driving home through the hills of Appalachia. I am reminded what beauty our great ancestors saw in this country. It must be the beauty I am seeing now. Water droplets have just fallen along these hills and heavily wooded areas. The sun is setting and is heating the water droplets. The waterContinue reading “Generation to Change a Nation”