Sleep Deprived Moms

Stay-at-home Mom’s are very rarely ever appreciated. Don’t get me wrong, I love spending my days with my Son, watching him grow into the amazing little man that he is, but sometimes I feel like I am going crazy. When I go out, my Son goes everywhere with me. Most of my close friends doContinue reading “Sleep Deprived Moms”

A Little Less Rain

Sorry I have been away for so long. My son had some health problems recently without going into detail,  but he is ok now. I have been working a lot to try to pay off debt. It seems like it is a never ending battle. Recently my husband’s car took a shit, and when IContinue reading “A Little Less Rain”

Walking the Line

As I was talking to my Mom last night, I was reminded of how important family is. My family is what keeps me grounded, and sane. All of us go through times when we are depressed, and sometimes depression makes us crazy. Depression causes people to do things they wouldn’t normally do. I am aContinue reading “Walking the Line”